Public Notice of RFQ for Engineering Professional Services

The City of Highfill is interested in acquiring the services of an engineering firm to provide services for a wastewater connection to NACA.

All responses will be evaluated in terms of specialized experience and technical competence, performance, capacity and capability of the firm/individual to perform work, and proximity to and familiarity with the project area. Negotiations will begin with the respondent obtaining the highest total score in the evaluation process.

Interested parties are invited to secure an RFQ package from Cassie Elliott, Visionary Milestones, Inc. [email protected]

All interested parties must submit their response to the FRQ package to Mayor Chris Holland, 2560 W Hwy 12, Highfill, AR 72734.

Please provide 3 copies of your qualifications.

All proposals are due by Friday, December 1, 2023, at 4:00p.m.

Highfill is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Mayor Chris Holland

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