Notice of Application for New No-Discharge Permit 4911-WR-3

Under the provision of Act 163 of the 1993 Arkansas Legislature, this is to give notice that the Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment – Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Office of Water Quality has received an application on September 25, 2023, with additional information received on October 3, 2023, for a no-discharge permit, Permit No. 4911-WR-3, for the operation of a decentralized wastewater treatment system with drip irrigation dispersal of the treated domestic wastewater for a town. The permit application was submitted from the following applicant:

City of Highfill, 11978 Highfill Ave, Gentry, AR 72734

The facility is located as follows: Section 7 Township 18 North Range 31 West, near the city of Highfill in Benton County, Arkansas. Interested persons desiring to request a public hearing on the application may do so in writing. All requests should be received by DEQ within ten (10) days of the date of this notice and should be submitted to:

Katherine McWilliams, P.E. Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality, 5301 Northshore Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72118-5317

Telephone: (501) 682-0651